YOUTH MINISTRIES/YOUTH COUNSELORS    Isaiah 54:13                       
People to work with the youth department to mentor, teach, counsel, talk to and listen to.  Help the youth to
know God and to know themselves and to know their place in God.

SENIOR MINISTRY   Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16                  
The Senior or older members need people to look after them and help them in their old age to maintain a life
style they are use to with out having to be in nursing home, while they can yet function and take care of
themselves.  People to run errands for them, cut their grass, talk to them and keep them company.  Letting
them know in their old age they are important and loved.  People that know how to work with them without
making them feel old and inadequate.  Helping them but yet letting them maintain their independence and

MARRIAGE COUNSELOR   Hebrews 13:4                    
People who have been through problems in their marriage and are willing and able to help someone who has
gone through or going through the same thing or something similar.  In other words been there and done that
and I can help you get through this.

People who can pray and counsel with people who have various prayer needs.  People who can let God use
them to earnestly ministry to hurting people and pray them through until they get the victory.  

PRISON MINISTRY     Matthew 25:36-44                     
People that are willing to take the time and go into the prisons and take God’s word to those that are behind
prison bars.  Letting them know that they may be shut in, but they are not shut out from God’s love and the
presence of an all knowing, caring and seeing God.
United Fellowship Outreach Ministries Prison Ministry Motto-Shut In But Not Shut Out.

LEARNING TO LIVE   II Timothy 2:15                     
This is people helping people that may not know how to read and write.  Taking time to work with them and
teach them.  Also working with children that may need help in their schoolwork.   Teaching various arts and
crafts sharing their knowledge with others, that they may become better able to find jobs and teaching people
how to budget their money.

PRAYER WARRIORS   I Thessalonians 5:17
People that can pray for the ministry and for people that the Lord will bless and meet needs and do what
needs to be done in the work of the Lord and the lives of the people. People that are sensitive to the move of
God and have a pray-full attitude, praying and asking God to have his way in the services.

MY BROTHER’S KEEPER   Romans 8:10,15,21     Luke 22:32                    
People that when new members join the church they can work with them, encourage them, and make sure
they have a way to church.  Be there for them if they need a friend, work with them and help them to grow in
the Lord.  Calling them encouraging them to attend the services and to get involved in the work of the Lord.  
Encouraging them to read and study the word of God and to develop a prayer life.  Making their new
commitment to God easy to do and understand.

PRAISE AND WORSHIP LEADERS   John 4:25                      
People that can sing and set the atmosphere for praise and worship service.  So that when it is time for the
word of God to come forth, the congregation is ready to receive the word and the move of God.

People that can work with people who are single and single parents to encourage them until the Lord blesses
them with a spouse.  People who can pray them through times of loneliness and frustration.  It is not easy to
be single and people need to be sensitive to this and reach out with compassion and understanding.

ACTIVITY COORDINATORS   Psalm 133:1                                 
People that will coordinate and plan activities for the church.  Trips, picnics, dinners.  Different events that the
people of God can come together and fellowship and enjoy each other and the goodness of the Lord in a
spiritual environment and atmosphere.

ALTAR WORKERS   I Corinthians Chapter 12                               
People that are Spirit filled and can work around the altar.  They have to be prayed up and in tune with the
moving of the Holy Spirit.  People of great faith that can help people that come to the altar for prayer and
deliverance.  People that have a desire to help others and can minister to them as God ministers to them.  
These people should also be able to lead a person to Christ and be able to work with someone that would like
to receive the gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

CORRESPONDENCE MINISTRY   Philippians 4:8     Luke 22:32                          
People that can help with the incoming mail and the outgoing mail of the ministry.  People who can read and
answer letters that come into the ministry for various things such as prayer request, request for speaking
engagements that would be forwarded to the Pastor and First Lady.  These people would have to be bound
with a contract of confidentiality due to the fact that they will be reading about peoples confidential business.

These are Ministers and Pastors that work with the Pastor and that are able to preach and teach in the
absence of the Pastor.  As well as go out for preaching engagements and ministering for the glory of God.  
They will have to be confidential and faithful to the ministry and the work of the Lord.  Being able to counsel
people when needed, they will be able to stand in the Pastors stead at any given time.

People that will help in any way they can, whatever is going on they will just join in and help get the job done
for the glory of God.  Cleaning, running errands, making phone calls, providing transportation, cooking, etc.  
Whatever they find to do just doing it.

WOMEN'S MINISTRY  Proverbs 31:10-31           
This ministry is geared toward the women.  To encourage, uplift, direct, and educate them in the ministry and
to show them their place in God.  To help them find out where they fit it and how to use the gifts that God has
given unto them.

MEN'S MINISTRY   Psalm 119:9  Psalm 144:3  Proverbs 1:5  Proverbs 18:6  Proverbs 8:34
This ministry is geared toward the men.  To encourage, uplift, direct, and educate them in the ministry and to
show them how to take their rightful place in God and in the ministry. To open up their understanding to God’s
word that they may be more effective in the ministry and be able to go forth in the work of the Lord.

This is a ministry dealing with people that have problems with substance abuse, alcoholism, drugs, smoking
etc.  To help these people and show them the love of God to help them be delivered and set free from these

This ministry is in place all year long not just on special Holidays.  This is where we have People that serve the
community as well as the church.  Finding people that are really in need of food and clothing.  Helping people
to help themselves and to live a better life.  Helping people that really need help and not just looking for a
handout or something for nothing.
                           1122 Parsons Road                Unit F                 Salisbury, Maryland 21801               410-546-1706           
United Fellowship Outreach Ministries, Inc.

If You Meet Me And Forget Me You Have Lost Nothing, But If You Meet Jesus Christ And  Forget
                     Him You Have Lost EVERYTHING !!